Quarantine Still Life 67
Mitza’s wooden figure mannequin trying to remember the steps to the dance and keep her balance, just like us...
I can’t get the images from yesterday’s violent attack on the Capital out of my head. The ransacked Parliamentarian’s office with papers strewn about. The broken sign from Speaker Pelosi’s office. Too many people not wearing masks! Lawmakers cowering on the floor. So many questions. Sadness that, yes, this IS who we are. Anger that a mob of white men with beards and flags and horns and arrogance are allowed to freely invade and roam a place where previously people in wheelchairs protesting the loss of their health insurance were dragged out and a small group of Black people praying and singing were handcuffed and removed (including the recently elected Senator from GA, Rev. Warnock). But, also the knowledge that our Democracy worked — the Congress came back and did their job. When I checked my phone at 5 AM this morning, there was the NYTimes headline: Congress Confirms Biden’s Win, Defying Mob Attack; Electoral Count Is Completed Despite Mayhem Incited by Trump.